Daily Diary

This blog is English diary to improve my English skills !

The day I did hard work.

Today I had worked for 12 hours, because my project deadline is coming up. This project is very difficult but I definitely finish it. Thus this experience makes me grow

The day I went to the restaurant.

Today we went to go to the restaurant with my wife. This target is to host year-end party. We talked a lot of things about 2023’s things. Thank you for always supporting. Keep up the good work.

The day I work to my office.

After ending Covid-19, My company solicits to go to the office for all employees. I ordinary work from my home, but I went to the office today. It takes about 10 minutes from my home to nearest station using bicycle. Then it takes about 30…

The day I ate oysters.

Today, I have continued to catch the cold, so I felt no good. But I managed to get my work done. Oysters which I ordered were arrived, so we ate oyster stew with my wife. Thank you for always cooking for me. 今日も引き続き風邪をひいていた…

The day I have caught a cold.

Today, I have caught a cold, so I took leave in the morning. I have no fever, but I have a sore throat. Therefore, I could only study English a little. I hope I want to get well soon . 本日は風邪をひいたみたいなので仕事を午前中休んでいまし…

Today I took the TOEIC exam for the first time in a while.

Today, I took the TOEIC exam at Momoyama Gakuin University. This time I feel TOEIC exam is very difficult, because I did not have much time. I did not know word regarding "Cattle". This word is also named cow. However, I managed to guess f…